Color Adjustments

Changes image histogram. By setting up adjustments, you can ensure that output images meet the required brightness, saturation, and dynamic range.

Color and light adjustments offer both fully automated options and manual fine-tuning.

ML Color Adjustments

Balance out colors and lighting. Supports changing the intensity of operation. 100 is most recommended. For 360 images you can use Edge Stitching.

JSON Request:

"operations": {
    "adjustments": {
        "hdr": 100

Manual Color Adjustments

ML color adjustments have an automated option (hdr) that covers most cases. But if you need finer control over color and lighting, you can use the operations listed in this section.

All operations below use relative rather than absolute values. They take into account the initial values of the images. For example, if an image is very dark, you might want to set the exposure to a higher value compared to cases when photos of slight underexposure.

You can control exposure, saturation, contrast, sharpness.

Possible values




-100 - 100

Decrease (negative integer) or increase (positive) exposure.



-100 - 100

Decrease (negative integer) or increase (positive) saturation.



-100 - 100

Decrease (negative integer) or increase (positive) contrast.



0 - 100

Increase sharpness.

JSON Request

"operations": {
    "adjustments": {
        "exposure": 80

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